One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. ~Luciano Pavarotti

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Wear Out Your Parents in 7 Days

Day One:
-Eiffel Tower

Day Two:
-Buttes Chaumont
-Père Lachaise
-Arc de Triomphe

Day Three:
-Champs Élysées
-Bois de Boulogne
-Montmartre and Sacré Cœur

Day Four:
-Giverny-Mont St. Michel

Day Five:

Day Six:
-Dinner with my Host Family

Day Seven:
-Notre Dame
-Marché aux Fleurs
-Walk along the Seine

It was so wonderful to have my parents here for a whole week and to be able to give them a glimpse into the life I’ve been living for the past three months. I wanted to take them so many different places and show them so many different things that it was hard to decide what to do. Plus, I have had such a “go-go-go” attitude for such a long time now that it was hard for me to slow down and let them go at their own pace. I was glad that my mom got to be in Paris for her birthday, and that we got to spend some quality time together as a family (even when I’m at home in Milwaukee I don’t see them enough). I thought it was weird on Friday when we went to the airport together (they were heading home, I was heading to Munich) that we were not all leaving as a family. It was hard to say goodbye, and I will definitely be excited to see them again in June!

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