One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. ~Luciano Pavarotti

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I Have Decided to Take Up Residence in a Château

On Friday we took a day trip to the Loire Valley - a region in France known for its goat cheeses, its wines, its châteaux, and its quaint architecture. The ride there took about three hours, but I could tell it was worth it once we got to the first château.
The Château d'Amboise was one of the first châteaux to be built as a royal residence. When I went to France in high school I visited a couple châteaux, and Amboise was definitely not what I expected. Because it was built in the middle ages, it was far less ornate than any château I had seen before. I actually preferred it in a way, I think because it made it easier for me to imagine people living there. The chapel is beautiful and has many brightly colored stained glass windows that were typical of the middle ages. It is also home to Leonardo da Vinci's grave (he was invited by François I to live at Amboise as an advisor and as someone to converse with).
The view from the top of the château was stunning - I could see for miles and I got a great view of the Loire River. After the guided part of the visit was over, we had the chance to explore the grounds of the castle, which I was excited about because it was such a beautiful day and it was so nice to be in the French countryside!

The second château we went to was Château de Chenonceau, which was about a half an hour drive from Amboise. It is also called the "Château des Dames" because of the love affair that occurred there among Henri II, Catherine de Medicis (his wife), and Diane de Poitiers (his mistress). Henri II had given the Château de Chenonceau to Diane de Poitiers, and the Château de Chambord to Catherine de Medicis. When Catherine de Medicis discovered that Chenonceau was far more beautiful than Chambord, she moved in and took over. I'm not sure of the complete history, but I would like to do some more reading on the subject.
Chenonceau is so beautiful. plus it was sunny and warm and I had such a fun time exploring the gardens. There is even a labyrinth! I was upset when the trip was over and we had to return back to the bus.

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