One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating. ~Luciano Pavarotti

Monday, May 9, 2011

Sh*t My Art History Teacher Says

Have you ever heard of the website Sh*t My Dad Says?
Well, this blog post is dedicated to my first (and probably only) art history teacher, Professor Boïcos. While studying for my final exam, I noticed that I had written down several things that Professor Boïcos has said. Keep in mind that I am not making any of these up.

March 2nd, 2011: "Nudity from behind can only be associated with one thing."
L'Odalisque - Francois Boucher

March 14th, 2011: "So she's a pretty-ugly lady."Madame de Sorquainville - Charles Perronneau

April 8th, 2011: "So this is the most eventful back of the 19th century."Les Baigneuses - Gustave Courbet

May 2nd, 2011: "Nudity is never the problem - attitude is the problem. It's okay to be naked if you have the right attitude."Add ImageDejeuner sur l'Herbe - Edouard Manet

May 9th, 2011: "This gives you an idea of how one goes to the beach in the 19th century - you go dressed as a tent."Sur la plage - Edouard Manet

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